Sunday, June 5, 2011

Human Rights

Human Rights
The term human rights Celebrity And Mogob in today's world, but we Ovkrna this on each side, and how can some of them Complied with in our personal lives and family, social, religious, international and global. Vehicle I said the one hand, and I have us in the human rights situation in all our lives, but Some of the kings, soldiers, and the sins of the shadow Bakoahm highly vulnerable and disadvantaged of this Pronunciation. Let us now look to each side.
We are all human beings, but we are aware of the precious we have? Must be dealt This concept as an integral part of our lifestyles, but Not everyone believes in this issue? Or Is this the respect of others Rights? You may have different ideas and arguments to respond to this Question, but let's start from somewhere. As you all know, Is a broad topic that should work on the details so I will try to focus on Definition and history in chronological order. After being informed on the principles of this subject, it will be easier for us to make it better together.
At the outset, let us describe what Human rights. The following definition of the most valuable achievement of this century, a Human rights. Famous phrase is: It is right to be universal, and maintained by all people. In other words, a human right is the right World Should all people, be everywhere, and the right that it does not May be deprived of any one of May, which means every human being simply because he is human. Must also be a human right to meet certain conditions such as Being possessed by all human beings, which owns both.
Now it's time to talk about its history. Although the ideas of the followers of religious, political, economic and in different parts of the world, and they Represents the idea that the acceptance in all parts of the world, and international rights mentioned above It seems that the world thought the first in the world. For example, the horror Persecution Nazi push the formation of the United Nations after World War Second, today joined the United Nations, and to take all Government promotion of universal respect for our rights without discrimination on the The basis of race, sex, language or religion. In 1948, the Assembly approved General of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which defines the rights Which governments agreed to protect. In the course of history, these rights have become gradually constitutional principles in the world. There are some dates that Is Landmarks along the way to the universality of human rights. For example, in the June 21, 1776 and the Declaration of Virginia Was the first to be accepted in terms of constitutional principle by Parliament Freely elected. On August 16, 1789 entered into human rights in European constitutional history when the French National Assembly and the Declaration on the Rights Men and citizens. Finally, on November 9, 1989 and the demolition of the Berlin Wall.
In short, human rights An integral part of our lives and requires everyone to work and support And commitment. Everyone as a man, a student from the governor to do something to improve the level of human rights in all parts of the world. Now, it's your turn. Do not forget that we are citizens of the world today, and we can make it a better place To live Peacefully and happily. Just to be tolerant and sensitive, and respect for And to help others.
. The field which must take into account the human rights
1. Right to health care: The right to good health does not need He stressed that for, although ignored is surprising. We often come across People even in relatively well-informed government departments gathered for the occasion with The provision of bottled mineral water in bottles, while those who are Supposed to Management do not have access to clean drinking water. If this condition prevails on the water, One Of nature's bounty, which must be made available to all, and one can imagine the situation Other factors in the area of ​​basic health. Hear governments to spend billions Of dollars to explore space and go to the moon, but not a lot of Effort to sate the thirst of citizens! If health begins with water, then what facilities Other medical? Health care, and should concern the community: more than that in States Where the money arising from any number of fancy schemes. Wasteful and environmentally clean food, and health care Indispensable tools for building a better society. We can not perpetuate injustice and lack of Even footing with regard to problems of health and drinking water. Investment in human resources is to reap the benefits for all. The sequence of events Tragic in Somalia is not only a reminder for the conscience of mankind. Excess in one part Of human and extreme poverty to the degree of deficiency in this age of Technology Developed makes nonsense of scientific progress and global humanitarian. Even in this section and in accordance with the Health Act, we suggest All the basic needs of waster on clothing to housing Parks are an essential first step to distinguish man from animals. It should also be spared any effort to declare that it "right", as distinguished from charity Or a charity or a humanitarian cause. We must live as human beings First of all basic health care services to find decent and can be imagined, developed And sustainable.
2. The right to education: Characterized by a man from the rest of the species, but The ability to learn and progress. Democracy is a form of Government to ensure equality and freedom for all citizens, and it would be ironic if A large number of people to go with the proper education. Eastern traditions and many Rich in literature, but unfortunately, until recently, to some, education, And the extent of, and the right to be reading and writing, and the right to obtain Little knowledge. We are not here concerned with the social causes and suspicion. We We are concerned with the present and the future and if we can go to the moon, And certainly we can make our brothers and sisters to read and write, and develop Skills that will be freed correctly. And should not be breeding the exclusive rights For the privileged alone. Had to be educational opportunities for all. It is one means Which recognizes the individual and the development of capacity one. Had also noted that in Many countries newly emerging from the injustice between the sexes, that is, denying Their wives Has been denied a good education. Education alone would pave the way for the advancement of Real Of the community. Education is the great equalizer. It's Men's Clothing And women with the right positions, and the right to work and think is correct. Education, public or acquisition of technology is not superficial. It is important As well as clean air and water to improve. It is not a gift from the community Or the government. Should have the inherent right to knowledge portal. And knowledge of All flows Other benefits. To deny the denial of education and civilization: the denial of values: To talk about Democracy without ensuring that the right of citizens to education is a travesty To justice. Education is the biggest impact on the liberalization of the individual and society. Education Is really the guiding spirit for the success of the democratic way of living.
3. The right to work: It is true that there are many problems Faced by any community to provide employment opportunities for all citizens Appropriate. However, it has grown science and technology in the large dimensions of this Type, the potential of really amazing work. What is required is the will and the socially conscious Evenly divided the work required to implement the tasks on the smooth Society. There are practically no limits of what the human mind is able to develop measures , If necessary, to overcome any obstacle. When this is the case, it Necessary To address the problem of the opportunities for non-balanced. When can overcome the limitations Nature In the production of food through the scientific application of remedial measures , More than It is essential that we expect from the best minds to sit down together and look Which created a situation so that everyone can have 6-7 hours of work in Per day instead of inequality in the longer hours For many, it does not work for some and so on? It's a matter of planning, not We have to throw a charity or cut some benefits, but to look at the humanitarian In a collective manner: without discrimination, and recognition of talent spotted. Here again, it is The question of proper application. If men can be divided in the corn and energy For construction purposes, they can easily split the inertia and indifference And thinking in the past to enter in the future rosy, and where they can take care Of the productive forces through the collective efforts of all. Planning Not necessarily evil word: not a strict system. And certainly it is within the scope of the possibility that Understand that many people ever to live at the expense of the mass of the population The poor. Work is life, laziness is death. Affirmative Action: laziness Denial Values.
4. Political rights : Simply to ensure that political rights are not Sufficient. There is no doubt that the real difficulty of political rights, but still It is difficult to continue and transfer to the future. On the assumption that political rights such as Equality and freedom to vote and the elections would ensure sustainability of the system In naive. Any right has a corresponding duty. What if he had been invested with the rights Political, and that it must be said clearly about their duties as citizens. Rights Political, such as double-edged sword. Is ignorance or indifference of people to lead Disaster. Political rights in the modern era to a large extent on the assumption that the rest of Parity Opportunities and development for all. This equality assumes that there are a number of Variables, but for this purpose we have, is enough to mention that Political rights have no meaning if only because it is enshrined in the Paper. They require the continued application by the people. Technically Can we have a wide range of rights, but when I do not get so that people can Disappointed With the system, and they do not care even for the simplest exercise of freedom of the right to vote. Science Of the enormous sacrifices made by the ancestors of this apathy, and cynicism of human And the people will not recognize their rights to invite disaster.
5. Economic rights: This leads us to the most important right in a democracy. Economic rights do not occur often at different Although placed on the isms and theories to bring about changes in the situation Economic status of the people. Freedom to achieve equality or any kind of political right does not Meaningless Him if there was a section of the people that the applicant ever of poverty Extreme. The problem is deeper than just an ideological approach. It involves the values ​​of Humanitarian As well. There must be a large number of people in a state of Base while the other, by accident or choice, Can get away with all the advantages of freedom And economic development? There is no need to be evasive about the answers. What We must understand that there must be equity, and opportunity for all to work and earn, and the reduction of Exploitation, and the sharing of productivity gains through everything, and the right to The benefits retiral, And wages and so there is a possibility to achieve decent. Is to develop technology So that it is absurd to claim in this age of globalization activities Economic, there should be a lack of employment opportunities. What is needed is Passion for social justice. Must include economic reward Appropriate, vacation, and the right to progress in the profession, and finally retrial benefits Decent old age. Again, this is not the dreams of the day. Comes some of the dreams Heaviest correctly. Not too much to expect of wisdom Collective For humanity to evolve appropriate conditions to obtain the best terms Work and respect the right to work.
6. Social and Cultural Rights: Care when secured correctly Health, housing, education, employment and economic rights Political rights, and will only be a matter of time before the social rights And granting cultural productivity or enjoyment. The greatness of democracy is that it can Be a great tool in the transformation of society from sleep on greatness Democratic However, it can be a great tool to transform society Sleep on the greatness of democracy is that it can be a tool It has benefited a major shift in society from sleep to wakefulness, from Dynamic inertia and darkness in the light of the theory Political thought of philosophers and practices enriched millions.
Conclusion: Democracy, if presented properly, is a great tool for mankind to overcome obstacles Many Form of burden inherited from the past or difficulties in the implementation of best Present. For continuing and we need to understand the true will of the consultation and the exercise of human rights. Democracy and human rights go hand in hand.

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